Business-oriented advisor with relevant track record as outside counsel, global / latam legal executive for major companies, member of independent advisory boards and as international lecturer.
Successfully handles complex corporate crisis, legal, regulatory and compliance issues; and counsels senior leaders on substantial issues focusing on strategic, sustainable and systematised outcomes.
Works effectively with c-suite level committees, senior and mid-level management and cross-functional structures (local and abroad). His experience in the government (Petrobras and Brazilian Army), academic (legal & compliance), in-house counsel (legal, compliance, regulatory matters, business administration and Corporate Security), outside counsel ("street" and corporate crimes) and NGO's (social) sectors brought together several skills that lead to innovative and effective solutions for corporate issues.
Compliance, governance, criminal law, crisis management, regulatory and contracts.
. 2022 - Master's student in Business Administration – FEA/USP (end of 2024)
. 2021 - Special credit postgrad stricto sensu - Business internationalization - FEA/USP
. 2017 - Special credit postgrad stricto sensu - Contemporary Criminal Law - Law/US
. 2013 - Postgraduate studies in business administration – CBA – Insper/SP
. 2012 - Compliance & Ethics Academy – Society of Corporate Compliance & Ethics – SCCE
. 2010 - LLM in Economic criminal Law – IBCCrim & Law School of Coimbra, Portugal
. 2009 - LLM in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law – PUC/SP – COGEAE
. 2006 - Lawyer graduated from the Law School of Mackenzie University
. 2000 - Infantry Lieutenant – Reserve Officers Center of the Brazilian Army – CPOR/SP
. 2017 - Co-Author Book - Parameterized Risk Analysis 2.0 : Risk Governance
. 2024 - One of the 10 most admired lawyers in Compliance in Brazil - Compliance On Top 2024 (LEC & Vittore).
. 2024 - Most Admired Lawyer in Brazil Analysis 500 - Compliance (Análise 500) - 4th time
. 2023 - One of the 10 most admired lawyers in Compliance in Brazil - Compliance On Top 2023 (LEC & Vittore)
. 2023 - Most Admired Lawyer in Brazil Analysis 500 - Compliance (Análise 500) - 3rd time
. 2021 - Most Admired Lawyer in Brazil Analysis 500 - Compliance and Maritime sectors - 2nd time
. 2020 - Most Admired Lawyer in Brazil Analysis 500 - Compliance (Análise 500)

18+ years of experience working in technology multinational companies (such as Microsoft, Nextel), dealing with high profile litigation/ freedom of speach cases, law enforcement liaison, having headed Regional Legal and Compliance departments at a GE spin-off (GXS) and at SoftwareAG. Felipe worked 8 years for Twitter, where his last role was Global ABAC Compliance Officer as well as Regional Compliance Officer for Latam and Canada. Felipe is guest speaker and Compliance professor in several events/ institutions in the region (including Argentina and Chile), and co-authored books about the same subject. Felipe was chosen by Transparency International Brazil to lead a group of 40 researchers focused on the topic "Corruption, Corporate Governance and Compliance" and is also sounding board member of the The Integrity App, of the NGO Alliance for Integrity.
Compliance, governance and digital law
. 2018 - FCPA Institute - Conducted by Mike Khoeler, 2 full days training held in Philadelphia, US;
. 2017 - 4th edition | Portuguese DEPE Webinar Series - Webinar "Conflict of Interests" - Alliance for Integrity (Link)
. 2017 - 5th Annual Anti-Bribery Advanced Bootcamp, conducted by Hui Chen - 3-day training conducted by Hui Chen and other experts, about improving Compliance effectiveness;
. 2017 - SCCE - CCPE-I - Compliance Professional Certification;
. 2017 - LLM in Law – Corruption in Latin America (UCDavis/California/USA)
. 2012 - Postgraduate studies in Labor Law (PUC/SP)
. 2008 - Postgraduate studies in Tax Law (LFG/SP)
. 2006 - Lawyer graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of SP (PUC/SP)
. 2023 - Article to the Brazilian Magazine, "Revista Crusoé", "O combate à corrupção não prejudica a economia" ("Fight corruption doesn't harm economy"(Link)
. 2023 - Webinar Unpacking the Global Third-Party Due Diligence Regulatory Landscape - OCEG, 2023 (Link)
. Webinar: Technology and freedom of expression as tools to fight corruption ("A Tecnologia e a Liberdade de Expressão como Ferramentas de combate à Corrupção"). - IVEPESP (Link)
. 2023 - Interview to the ABC da Notícia 36 (tv and radio show) (Bandnews) - "O que é corrupção?" (Link).
. 2022 - V Seminario Internacional Anticorrupción - Chile - "Technology and Conflicts of Interest"- Chilean Controllership (Link - as from 1'36')
. 2018 - Co-authorship Book "Compliance: Efetividade de Essência" - article "Compliance: effectiveness and essence" - Brazilian BAR (OAB Nacional) (Link)
. Chosen by Transparency International Brazil to lead a group of 40 researchers focused on the topic "Corruption, Corporate Governance and Compliance"
. Sounding board member of the The Integrity App, of the NGO Alliance for Integrity.

With 22+ years of experience in both the public and private sectors, including 16+ years of executive experience in security, internal investigations, and enforcement for the Shopping Centers and Corporate Security sectors. Lawyer with a PhD degree in Law and specialized in Digital Law, acts as an independent Data Protection Officer (DPO) at IBREI. As lawyer acts in matters related to the Digital economy, Virtual personality rights and Corporate security risks and regulation.
Extensive executive involvement in the shopping centers and corporate security sector (Multiplan and Savoy), as well as in Compliance and Data Protection (TV Cultura – Fund. Padre Anchieta), brings profound expertise in the corporate risks faced by executives in the industry, allowing practical and sustainable solutions for the clients.
Digital law, compliance, criminal law, privacy law, intellectual property and contracts
. 2023 (2024) - Post-doctoral researcher in the Philosophy of Technology (UFSC)
. 2022 – Doctor of Law (FADISP)
. 2022 – Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) (IAPP)
. 2022 – Certified Data Protection Officer (CDPO) (IAPP)
. 2021 – Certified Privacy and Data Protection Essentials (PDPE) (EXIN)
. 2020 - General Corse of intellectual property - WIPO
. 2018 – Master of Law in the Information Society (FMU/SP)
. 2016 – Specialist in Applied Digital Law (FGV/SP)
. 2016 - University extension in Law and Economics of Media Platforms - University of Chicago - Law school
. 2015 – Specialist in Civil Law (FMU/SP)
. 2010 - Graduated in music from FAMOSP/ SP
. 2005 – Lawyer graduated from the Law school of FMU/SP
. 2000 - Communications Lieutenant – Reserve Officers Center of the Brazilian Army – CPOR/SP
. 2023 - The Silicon Society: Artificial Intelligence and the Protection of Intimacy. 1st ed. São Caetano do Sul: Lura Books
. 2022 - The fair contract and the desired commutativity inserted in the Information Society. In: Eduardo Salgueiro; Ronny Max Machado. (Org.). Legal Seed III. 1ed.Embu das Artes: Alexa Cultural
. 2021 - Parliamentary Immunity: the abuse of the guarantee and the excess of privilege. In: Bruno Casagrande e Silva; Ricardo Alves de Lima. (Org.). Parliamentary Immunity: abuse of guarantee and excess of privilege. 1st edition. São Paulo: Tirant Lo Branch
. 2021 - A Luhmannian analysis of the Streisand effect on art censorship. In: Flavia Piovesan; Roberto Dias. (Org.). A Luhmanmian analysis of the Streisand effect on art censorship. 1st edition.São Paulo: Jus Podivm.
. 2019 - Fake News: Freedom of expression on social networks in the Information Society. 1st ed. São Caetano do Sul: Lura Editorial
. 2007 - Medal for the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Brazilian Peace Forces, BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF UN INTERNATIONAL PEACE FORCES.

Lawyer with over 10 years of experience in compliance, investigations and corporate governance. I specialize in identifying and mitigating risks for companies in a variety of sectors, such as energy, payments, mining, retail and technology. I work in internal investigations and crisis management related to integrity, information security, human rights, governance, internal controls and natural disasters.
Internal investigations, Compliance, Corporate Governance, Corporate and M&A.
. 2017 - LLM from Northwestern Pritzker School of Law (USA)
. 2017 - Certificate in Business and Administration from Kellogg School of Management
. 2014 - Postgraduate in Contracts from Insper;
. 2011 - Lawyer graduated from the Law school of FAAP/SP
. International Compliance and Ethics Professional (CCEP-I) by the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE)
. Legal 500 – Compliance Rising Star 2021 and Shortlisted for the Compliance Rising Star of the Year award at the Brazil Awards 2023

Compliance and Anti-Corruption since 2021. He has experience in due diligence and the creation of internal policies, as well as expertise in conducting internal investigations related to violations of the Anti-Corruption Law, both at the national and international levels. He has also worked with Administrative Law and Criminal Law.
Compliance, criminal law and administrative law
. 2023 - Lawyer graduated from the Law School of PUC/SP
. 2022 - Author of the scientific initiation published at the 31st Scientific Initiation Meeting of PUC/SP. Title: "International Drug Trafficking: a vision supported by Human Rights and the economic corollary of the illicit act"

Lawyer graduated from FGV-SP, with experience in corporate crime.
Postgraduate degree in Corporate Criminal Law (FGV-SP).
Corporate investigations, Compliance and Criminal Law.​​

Criminal Lawyer, postgraduate in Criminal Law from the Faculty of Law Professor Damásio de Jesus, postgraduate in Fundamental Rights from the University of Coimbra, bachelor in Law from the University of São Judas Tadeu, Legal Technician from ETEC Dra. Maria Augusta Saraiva and member of the organization BlackSisters in Law and the Advanced Study Group of Criminal Dogmatics of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences.
Corporate investigations, Compliance and Criminal Law.​​
. 2024 - Postgraduate in Criminal Law (Damásio/SP).
. 2019 - Postgraduate in Fundamental Rights (Coimbra/PT).
. 2017 - Lawyer graduated at Universidade São Judas Tadeu.
. Member of the Advanced Study Group of Criminal Dogmatics of IBCCrim/SP.

Graduated in Law from the Law School of the University of São Paulo – Largo de São Francisco
Experience in the areas of criminal law and corporate investigations
Member of the Special Compliance Committee of the OAB/SP
Member of the Sexual and Gender Diversity Committee of the OAB/SP
Additional training: Compliance Courses (FGV São Paulo), Legal Compliance (Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences), Economic Criminal Law (Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences), and Labor Compliance (LEC- Legal Ethics & Compliance)
Corporate investigations, Compliance and Criminal Law.​​

Lawyer, Graduated in Law from PUC-SP, Post-Graduated in Competition and Regulatory Law (FGV)
Professional with experience in law firms, having worked in the area of Competition and Regulatory Law in the preventive and repressive areas, with extensive experience in negotiations of Leniency Agreements.
Currently focused on conducting Compliance investigations
Corporate investigations, Compliance and Antitrust and Competition Laws.​

Implementing compliance programs, drafting internal policies, conducting internal investigations, due diligence processes and corporate risk management, with a focus on problem solving and critical analysis. Her professional history includes significant work in the field of public tenders and contracts, in particular for the implementation of integrity programs and anti-corruption compliance initiatives..
Compliance, Risk Management and Auditing, Labor Law
. 2024 - Postgraduate in Risk Management, Compliance and Auditing - (PUC/ PR)
. 2023 - ESG Certified Professional - QMS Certification Brazil (Registration 0004952)
. 2023 - Lead Auditor in ISO 37301:2021 - Compliance Management Systems - (Registration 0004952)
. 2023 - Certified in ISO 19011:2018 – Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems
. 2023 - Postgraduate studies in Labor Law and Labor Process - (PUC/ RS)
. 2021 - Lawyer graduated from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)
. 2020 - The hypotheses of contractual termination due to force majeure and the fact of the prince due to the Covid-19 pandemic (Review of the Regional Labor Court of the 12th Region - TRT12)
. 2024 - Vice-President of the Compliance Committee - OAB/SC
. 2024 - Representative of the private sector on the Social Responsibility and Sustainability Committee - Permanent Forum of Micro and Small Companies of Santa Catarina (FEMPE-SC)
. 2024 - Guest professor of the Compliance and Corporate Governance discipline of the postgraduate course in Business Law at Unesc - Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense